PRO-Vend 3000

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The easy-to-use PRO-Vend 3000 is ideal for fleets that don’t require fuel tracking or monitoring. The unit includes a mechanical temperature compensated meter, rather than a mass flow meter. Starting at an affordable base price, the unit offers a variety of upgrades to fit your specifications, such as tank skid or pump package.


Complete Dispensing Systems


In addition to dispensers, we custom design and manufacture complete propane autogas dispensing systems which include one or multiple dispensers, skid mounted tanks of various sizes and all of the necessary components needed to begin fueling.



Tanks manufactured for its intended purpose

  • All connections close to the cabinet
  • Cuts down on distances and potential leak points
  • Container filling connections purposely located on opposite end of the container away from the point of transfer


Internal valve

  • Threaded directly into the container
  • Provides means for mechanical, thermal and remote emergency closure
  • Incorporates excess flow technology
  • Fusible element not to exceed 250°F
  • Pneumatic or cable operated


Service valve

  • Located in several places within the piping system to isolate or provide backup containment of the product


MID:COM Register

  • Boot incorporates a switch that automatically shuts off pump and completes the transaction when nozzle is hung up
  • Lockout timer will shut off pump if no fuel flow in 30 seconds


Piping and Strainer

  • Schedule 80 (A106 piping)
  • Forged carbon steel fittings (2000 WOG)
  • Strainer—Keeps foreign material out of the product going to the pump


Flex Connector

  • Protects the piping system from the effects of vibration and possible settling
  • Stainless steel braided


Pump Differential Bypass

  • Protects the pump from effects of overpressure
  • Allows adjustment to create differential pressure
  • The heart of the pumping system


Excess Flow Valve

  • Protects container from unintentional release should downstream line break
  • Slugs by differential pressure or GPM flowing
  • Even if valve sheers off, the operator would remain in the container
  • Note—additional positive shutoff valve



  • Manufactured for intended service
  • 350 psig WP; 1750 psig burst
  • Perforated (will not burst)
  • Pressure tested by manufacturer at 120% of WP
  • Tagged by manufacturer
  • Must be marked appropriately
  • NFPA 58 requirement
  • Available length of up to 18 feet
  • Breakaway valve separates at approximately 80 pounds force


Remote Shutoff Locations

  • Remote emergency shutoff required at least 3 feet from point of transfer
  • Provides mechanical means of closure
  • Additional electrical disconnect required at building not less than 20' nor more than 100' from the cabinet
  • Both propane and electrical shutoff locations required to be readily visible from point of transfer by appropriate signage
  • Provides protection for cabinet and piping system should vehicle pull away



Gas Guard—Low emission

  • Less than 4cc • 1¾" ACME Staubli—Ultra low emission
  • Less than 1cc • Euro connection


Hydrostatic relief valve

  • Protects liquid system and piping from the effects of overpressure due to liquid expansion
  • Installed anywhere in piping where liquid may be trapped between two positive shutoff valves
Product Specs: